Theme Park Soundtrack

Sam has now made friends and has back and forth with folk from all over the world now he’s a fluffy fledged games designer / audio creator nerd (one of his tutors worked on every Lego movie how cool is that?!)

He has an ace soundboard with the most amazing samples. Would barricade myself in there for days if he didn’t need to get in there and do some actual work.

I’m more about the music than games but heard some bad-ass really gritty, industrial sounding stuff coming from his room and kind of floated in like a Holy being 😮 😮 😮

“Sam? The fuck is this shit you’re listening to? Sounds absolutely tremendous”

Turned out one of the audio guys works for a company IMAscore who amongst many other things wrote the music for Alton Towers theme park rides. The full soundtrack is brilliant but this from The Smiler is the one that lured me into Sam’s room.

Not for everyone and I think for most this is the stuff of nightmares and full blown sleep paralysis terror but oh God I love that big deep beefy bass it’s superb.

Gets old when you work at the park and / or are queuing for a long time hearing “HA-HA-HA.. HA-HA-HA…-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA” but in a three minute burst and for anyone having an indoor Halloween party it sounds the tits.

Wicker Man is great too I love the drums


Accidentally deleted the post about my friend whose horse was put to sleep.

Bollocks 😦   Don’t even know what I did but it’s gone

Here’s Black Beauty running down some hills and a shallow stream instead 🙂